Thursday 26 September 2013

The Wrong Boy by Suzi Zail

“No one is born hating another person because of the colour of his skin, or his background, or his religion. People must learn to hate, and if they can learn to hate, they can be taught to love, for love comes more naturally to the human heart than its opposite.” NELSON MANDELA

“Being kissed by Karl Jager was devastating. And Beautiful. War makes you do dangerous things.”

Hanna Mendel liked to know what was going to happen next. She was going to be a famous concert pianist. She was going to wear her yellow dress to the dance on Saturday night. But she didn’t plan on her street being turned into a ghetto. She didn’t plan on being rounded up and thrown in a cattle truck. She didn’t plan on spending her sixteenth birthday in Auschwitz, in a wooden barrack with two hundred other prisoners. Most of all, Hanna didn’t plan on falling in love with the wrong boy.


This is an indepth book about the lives of Jewish women and teenagers during World War II. This story follows through the life of Hanna Mendel her love for music, and all things a teenage girl thinks of. The truth I found myself crying by the end of this story not because of the romance or even the story but it was the truth about the past. This is part of the world’s history and even through this story is not based solely on truth this did happen. If you are interested in romance with a mixture of WWII and the concentration camps then this book would be a great and enjoyable read.  I recommend this book for teenaged girls who love romance and even boys and younger readers.

Thursday 12 September 2013

Maximum Ride Series by James Patterson

The Maximum Ride series is one of the first Teenaged series written by Award winning author James Paterson. 

The series is about a group of Scientifically Improved children who have no family, no home and are on the run. Maximum Ride and her best friends have the ability to fly. And that's just the beginning of their amazing powers. But they don't know where they come from, who's hunting them, why they are different from all other humans... and if they're meant to save mankind—or destroy it.


Book 1 - The Angel Experiment
Book 2 - School's Out Forever
Book 3 - Saving the World and Other extreme Sports
Book 4 - The Final Warning 
Book 5 - Max
Book 6 - Fang
Book 7 - Angel 
Book 8 - Nevermore


This is an amazing teenaged series as follow the lives and struggles of these 6 children becoming attached to their lives and characters. The movie is set to be released soon and thousands of fans are out their waiting with their dream cast. Give this series a try and look at other amazing books by James Paterson. 

Learn about other James Paterson Books:

Sunday 8 September 2013

Amanda Hockings - Trylle Series

The Trylle trillogy was written by Amanda Hockings, this is a fanatic series filled with trolls, mystery and princess tales.

This is a trillogy with four bonus stories in order below:

0.5 - Fresh Water
1.0 - Switched
1.5 - The Vittra Attacks
2.0 - Torn
2. 5 - One Day: Three Ways
3.0 - Ascend
3.5 - Wake

Wendy Everly knew she was different the day her mother tried to kill her and accused her of having been switched at birth. Although certain she's not the monster her mother claims she is - she does feel that she doesn't quite fit in...

She's bored and frustrated by her small town life - and then there's the secret she can't tell anyone. Her mysterious ability - she can influence people's decisions, without knowing how or why ...

When the intense and darkly handsome newcomer Finn suddenly turns up at her bedroom window one night - her world is turned upside down. He holds the key to her past, the answers to her strange powers, and is the doorway to a place she never imagined could exist: Förening, the home of the Trylle.

Finally everything makes sense. Among the Trylle, Wendy is not just different, but special. But what marks her out as chosen for greatness in this world also places her in grave danger. With everything around her changing, Finn is the only person she can trust. But dark forces are conspiring - not only to separate them, but to see the downfall of everything that Wendy cares about...

The fate of Förenign rests in Wendy's hands, and the decisions she and Finn make could change all their lives forever ...

Book Review: 4/5

This is a fantastic series filled with twists and turns you will never see coming romance and friendship round every corner and a girls fight to become what she doesn't want to be but is destined for. Wendy had a difficult childhood from the start her mother didn't like her but life went against her on her 6th Birthday when her mother tried to kill her. Coming to terms with this over time and never feeling like she belong if Wendy's life wasn't confusing enough. He comes yet another amazingly hot guy to sweep our main characters thoughts up and make life even more confusing. 

I recommend this series for teenaged girls who love mystery and romance, hopefully soon we will be able to have a movie about it to watch but before that happens there is a great opportunity to read the books.